MIST-Musical Instrument Support Townsville
Beginner musicians can usually access affordable instruments and take advantage of school loan programs. However, as passionate musicians progress and refine their skills, the need for premium-quality instruments becomes unavoidable and these instruments come with a significant price tag.
Mist is a Townsville Community Music Centre (TCMC) initiative that aims to address this problem by lending high-quality instruments to successful applicants to support their continued musical development.
Who can apply?
Applicants should be Townsville Region residents, can be of any age, are likely to be at or over AMEB level 6 and are actively pursuing musical development. Applicants should support their case with references from guardians, tutors, school, or studio as applicable.
How to apply
There are no standard requirements or form of application as each applicant and their circumstances is unique. Applicants should outline their needs and include supportive information and references. Applicants are encouraged to seek advice from the TCMC manager manager@townsvillemusic.org.au
Applications may be made at any time and for any instrument.
Loan arrangements
Instruments are typically lent for 12 months, with a six-month review. Loan extensions are negotiable. The recipient and a TCMC representative sign a formal agreement. TCMC pays for instrument insurance as well as maintenance and repairs due to fair wear and tear. TCMC accepts the loss of value of the instrument over time.
The recipient is responsible for the correct use, daily care, and safety of the instrument, and pays for expendable items such as strings and reeds. The recipient is responsible for the cost of loss or repair resulting from negligence or misuse. The recipient must not lend the instrument to anyone else or allow others to play it. If the instrument is used in public performances, TCMC support should be acknowledged if reasonably possible.